Today Charlotte chats with Sam Deguara. Sam Deguara is the Founder and Director of Mind The Gap Consulting, a father of 3 girls under 7 and a mental health and wellbeing explorer in discovering the most effective habits to live our best life possible. He runs a Wellbeing Masterclass series where he offers a number of sessions (both virtual and face-to-face) for either leaders, teams and individual contributors. Sam’s three wellbeing habits are:
· Getting physical for some headspace – having variety and stretching himself through learning new skills. [Nike APP| Soccer (team connectedness) | surfing (learning)]
· Stressing the body with a cold shower
· Soaking up nature – tending to the garden – moments of presence and nurturing a garden can build our own wellbeing
· And his wonderful family ritual–Friday night dance party, pizza and movie. He also touches on the making time for one on one time through playing handball doing the Cool Kids Program through Macquarie Uni) and doing homework together.