Capability and Skills Advisory
Making subjective people decisions is complacent and speculative.
By understanding the critical capabilities you require to achieve your strategy, we can identify, plan and measure the 'gap' of today's workforce against tomorrow's to inform trade off decisions and 'close' the right capability gaps at the right time.
Our methodology to review, progress or co-create Capability, Talent and Leadership Frameworks for your critical workforce segments will help prepare and future-proof you organisation to realise your strategy.
Capability and Skills Advisory Services
Co-Design Core, Emerging and Future Skills Frameworks
Industry Benchmarking and Skills Audit
Capability Review and/or Assessment for critical Workforce Segments
Risk Based Training Needs Analysis (RBTNA) and ‘Heat Map’ Dashboards
Skill and motivation 'gap' analytics and insights at organisational, team and individual levels
Competency Management Systems (CMS)
Evidence based decision making using validated data to inform capability Buy, Build and Borrow workforce decisions.
Case Study
$80m capital investment over 3 years in a cloud-based network infrastructure to transform the customer experience presented a unique opportunity to determine the right skills and capabilities required to meet migration targets. New technology required the workforce to have very different skills and capabilities with Executives having mixed views on the requirement and availability of people capabilities required for the future (internal supply). Retention and attrition of critical talent was also escalating, driven by limited opportunities for career and growth development.
Co-create a Future Capabilities Framework and conduct a full capability review across Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) to determine proficiency strengths, development opportunities, motivation and workforce ‘gaps’ to influence workforce Build, Buy and Borrow workforce decisions, Opportunity to baseline Organisational, Leadership and Technical capability areas and curate development opportunities for anywhere and anytime learning. Career Path tool to address attention and attraction challenges to support a Great Place to Work.
Customer migration targets met
Increase in employee engagement
Decrease in attrition of critical talent with relevant anywhere and anytime learning options and career plan tools available
Divisional, team and individual proficiency 'gap' results to inform capability Build, Buy and Borrow workforce decisions
Targeted and meaningful individual development plans
Established an ‘I&O Academy’ as a capability building Centres of Excellence

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